Intimacy Cadre Podcast
Intimacy Cadre is both a podcast and a community of practice (https://intimacycadre.org). As a podcast, it is a low tech way for us your podcast hosts Jim and Dee Elle to share some of the juicy conversations that we're always having with each other. It's intended for those who care about us and anyone else interested in intimacy topics (which range on basic connection and communication to much more in-depth discussions on sexuality and sexual experience). Our conversations are part of our personal daily intimacy practice, and so be a fly on the wall and listen in. Intimacy Cadre is also what we call our new in-person community in Bozeman, Montana, where we are facilitating workshops regularly. We'd like you to know that we are not "sexperts" or "intimacy gurus"; we are simply people who desire a community of intimacy practitioners (and no, this does not mean "sex group" or "orgy") within a supportive community. To connect with us, please write us at intimacycadre@gmail.com.
Intimacy Cadre Podcast
Intimacy through Erectile Dysfunction
Intimacy Cadre
Season 1
Episode 13
Hey Listeners!!! Today Jim & I talk about a SUPER hard (or not hard) topic- Erectile Dysfunction. Yikes. We talk about some of the potential reasons a man may experience this and how emotionally difficult it can be (which only feeds the issue). Shout out to Jim for being willing to open the convo. We haven't yet figured things out, but we're open to finding the possibilities within this recent obstacle. Thank you for listening <3 (Quick update from later the same day: everything seems to be "working" again :) )